Rack Power

Rack PDU

Dual Feed PDU

Rack lnline Meter

Dual Feed PDU

Quality reliable Power Cistribution Units(PDUs) to suit all your requirementsBasic,Metered, intelligent PDUs in single or three differentiation phase.Coloured or dual feed PDUs enable clear Of primary and redundant power feeds within the rack. Our comprehensive PDU range is complimented with ATS (Automatic Transfer Switches) and In-line Meters providing all The power management solutions you require

Rack PDU

1-Phase PDU 110v/208v/230v

InfraPower Single Phase Rack Power Distribution Units encompass Basic PDUs, Metered PDUs, and Intelligent PDUs. Offered in many sizes and configurations, our PDUs provide the voltage, current, outlet number and type of connections required to fit any need.

1-Phase Intelligent PDU

1-Phase Metered PDU

1-Phase Basic PDU

3-Phase PDU 208v/400v

Three Phase rack Power Distribution Units for high density server and networking applications. InfraPower Three Phase PDUs are designed to cope with rising power distribution demands.

3-Phase Intelligent PDU

3-Phase Basic PDU

Dual Feed PDU

Save valuable rack space with Austin Hughes Dual Feed rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Dual Feed PDUs are designed to house two PDUs in a single chassis. Colored PDU layout distinguishes between primary and redundant (A&B) power feeds.


Intelligent Dual-Feed Rack PDU

Meter Dual-Feed Rack PDU

Rack ATS

For IT rack-mount devices not designed with power redundancy, InfraPower rack mount Automatic Transfer Switches (or ATS) with dual power inputs provide reliable and redundant power for single-corded equipment.


1-Phase Intelligent ATS

110V / 208V / 230V


1-Phase Intelligent ATS

110V / 208V / 230V

Rack Inline Meter

In-line meters allow effective enhancement of basic PDUs to be upgraded with local monitoring plus remote management. Eliminating the need to replace every rack PDU installed, dramatically reducing the project implementation time.

1-Phase Inline Meter

110V / 208V / 230V

3-Phase Inline Meter

110V / 208V / 230V